It has been a busy term in P5/6.  We've been doing far too much to tell you everything but here are some of the highlights.

In Numeracy we have been doing division.  We learned that division is the inverse of the times tables so if we know our tables then we know our division!  We have been practising our tables and we are now much more confident at division.

In Literacy we have been reading group novels and we have now finished them.  We had different opinions on the novels.  Some people liked them and some people didn't.  We have been learning to use speech marks and about verb tenses.

Our topic in Health and Wellbeing was all about food and hygiene.  We were lucky enough to have a visit from Warburton's.  We made sandwiches but first we all had to wear red hairnets.  They were a bit itchy! Everyone enjoyed making the sandwich although not everyone liked eating it!  We were each given a healthy eating certificate and a Warburton's wholemeal loaf to take home.

We are all very excited about Christmas.  The P5s have already had their Christmas party.  It was brilliant fun.  The P6s have their party this afternoon.

P5/6 would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

                                      Feliz Navidad          Merry Christmas           Joyeux Noel
