Hello from the new Primary 5 class!

Hello from the new Primary 5 class!

We have had a busy start to our new school year. With a new mix of classmates, and teacher, we have had lots of fun getting to know each other over the past few weeks.

An important part of this was learning about the rights of a child and creating our class charter. We discussed what the rights mean to us and what actions we need to take to make sure these rights are being met. After that we voted for the underwater theme of our class charter, and chose three articles that we thought were the most important.

Our focus this term in literacy is imaginative writing. Through the use of our class novel “The Street Child” and other stimuli, we have been looking at the key features of developing characters and settings. Our class novel links perfectly to our topic this term of the Victorians. We have been learning about how children lived during these times and are currently learning about workhouses and are looking forward to our trip to New Lanark on the 2nd of October! 
 In maths we have been looking at place value, writing numbers in words and in digits and brushing up on our times tables! We had a busy last week taking part in maths week where we did lots of problem solving activities. Thank you to all the parents who helped us celebrate this at our first family Friday!
