August/September in P4/5

Bonjour! Hola! 

Welcome to Miss Young's Primary 5s blog!

We are going to tell you about what we have been learning so far since coming back after summer. It has been a busy term so far!

Our topic is the desert so we have been learning about the animals who live there like camels, lizards, spiders and lots more! We have also started a desert sunset landscape. Next we are looking forward to learning about how cacti survive in the desert and looking after one in the class!

In maths we have been looking at directions, right angles, time and money. We have been comparing angles and even went on an angle hunt around the school. We have also been getting better and better at place value and even writing SIX digit numbers!

We have been trying out for cross country and also practice our running during our Mile a Day. With Miss Tulloch we have been learning many yoga poses in P.E. We also get musical with the glockenspiel!

We celebrated Roald Dahl day by finding out lots about him and we are reading one of his books called George’s Marvellous Medicine. So far we are glad that we don’t have a grandma like George’s and we look forward to finding out what happens next in the story! We have also been writing Desert Island Postcards, silly Never Poems using alliteration and learning about making our writing stand out with synonyms.

We can talk about the weather in Spanish and are learning to say the date too. We have also started learning French. We have not been doing it long but can already count to twelve, introduce ourselves and name some colours.

On Fridays we have House Hubs to look forward to. They are really fun! We also enjoy Family Fridays and would like to see you there!

Until next time... au revoir!
