Term 4 Blog Post from P4/5

Term 4 Blog Post from P4/5

After returning from our Easter break we began learning about world religions. Our main focus was Judaism. We learnt that Jews never touch the torahs they read from because they are so holy. Also, we had a look at some Hebrew writing and tried our own! There is a special cap called a kippah worn by Jews. We learned about their special celebrations too, for example Passover. At Hannukah children play games with a dreidel and we tried these out ourselves.

In Maths we have been learning about measurement and how to convert different units as well as estimating and measuring objects and distances around us.

Recently we have been learning about different jobs and what we want to be when we grow up.The P4s went to ASDA for a trip to learn what it is like to work there. After that we got to try some of the pizza and pancakes we were given!

We regularly read Harriet’s Hare in class and at home.

The SSPCA visited P4/5 and we learned lots of interesting facts, for example that the cow kills the most people in the UK! It is also important not to keep dogs in hot cars. Don’t touch baby animals if they are alone. The strangest animal ever rescued was an octopus in Edinburgh!

Some of us went to cross country and had an amazing, mucky, warm day out. Clydemuir came 7th overall and were all sore and tired afterwards!

We have entered a writing competition called Monster Poetry about our invented monsters. We hope to hear back soon!
We have also been writing imaginative stories about magic and aliens.

P5s have been rehearsing the school show which will be next week. We hope lots of people come along to watch and hear us!

In P.E. we have been doing basketball and gymnastics which has been very fun! We will also be doing relays to practice teamwork.

Our French is still improving and we now know lots of songs to help us.

Our final topic is Famous Scots, where we will learn about significant people in Scottish history, for example inventors and artists. There is a mini project to be completed at home.

This year some of our highlights as decided by pupils have been:
Learning about 2D shapes in Maths, learning about circuits in Science, Jade Nimmo visiting, Scottish myths and legends, PATHs where we learnt about feelings and emotions, fractions, our Poppy Day assembly, the Warburton’s visit, reading graphs, visiting Glasgow Science Centre, the recent Numeracy Day quiz, our international week was a great success, angles in Maths, working cooperatively with P2s and P3s. P4s being visited by the Music Motivator and getting filmed, Measuring in maths, a weekly class with Miss Eccles, using Duolingo for different languages, and dealing with money confidently.

We have enjoyed our year in Primary 4/5 - not long now until the summer holidays!
