Welcome to Term 2 in P5/6

Welcome to Term 2 in P5/6

Well, that is a successful and busy term 1 over.  Thank you to everyone who managed to make it along to out Desert assembly.  The children did very well and were, quite rightly, very proud of themselves.  

In Literacy we will be concentrating on our  imaginative writing skills.  In particular, we will be thinking about using good adjectives and descriptive phrases.  We will also be attempting the correct use of paragraphs.  We will continue to try to improve our handwriting by forming letters correctly and by trying to use joined-up writing.  Please encourage your child to use these skills at home too.  We will also continue with our class novels.  Please feel free to share these books with your child and help them to complete their reading homework tasks. Grammar topics this term will cover tenses, speech marks and using a dictionary.  Weekly spellings will be based on a spelling rule.  A different homework spelling activity should be chosen to be done each week. There will be a spelling test on Fridays. Please help your child to practise their spellings each night.

Our topic this term will be a Health & Wellbeing one and will be based on food.  We will be investigating healthy eating, hygiene and the influence of outside factors.

In November, for RME, we will be investigating food and the part it plays in world religions and in December we will be finding out about Christmas traditions in European countries.

In Maths this term we will be working on our multiplication and division skills.  A sound knowledge of times tables helps greatly with division so please help your child to practise those tables.  We will also be finding out about money, algebraic thinking and we will be investigating the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

Please note that there has been a change to our PE days.  PE will now be on a Monday and Thursday.  Please ensure that your child has their gym kit with them on these days.

In Spanish we will be discussing pastimes and hobbies.  In French we will be practising body parts.  In both subjects we will be finding out about Christmas rituals and learning Christmas words.

Some Dates for your Diary:
- on Wednesday, 29th November P5/6 parents are invited to join their child for a school lunch
- Parents’ Evening is on Thursday, 30th November.  I look forward to seeing you there for a chat about your child’s progress.
